Friday, May 11, 2012

Important considerations for the Rhetorical Analysis essay.

Occasion                                              The Author’s Appeals:
Audience                                             … to the reader’s logic;
Purpose                                               … to the reader’s emotions;
Subject                                                ... to a sense of integrity;
                             How do literary choices strengthen an author's
                        purposes?  How does style support persuasion?

                            Literary qualities
                              Diction – compelling vocabulary; interesting expressions.
                              Syntax – patterns of words: mirrors, repetitions, opposites.
                              Figurative lang.: metaphors, similes, personification.
                              Allusions – to history, literature, religion or mythology.
                              Sound patterns.

For each essay you write:
      Try to compose an analytical thesis statement (not merely a laundry list).
      When appropriate, lead sentences with introductory phrases or clauses;
      Whenever possible, try to vary sentence lengths and sentence types;
      Don’t be modest or shy about showing off your wonderful vocabulary!